Prayers for single people at Christmas

Christmas can be a particularly difficult time for single people. Here’s some prayer points to help pray for those that find this time of year hard…

There are lots of things that churches and individuals can do to make the festive season joyful for the single people in your community. All our ideas come from single Christians themselves…

Give thanks…

  1. That people can find family, acceptance and love in church communities at Christmas.

  2. For the opportunity people have to catch up with old friends at Christmas.

  3. For the work and sacrifice individuals make to help the poorest in our society at Christmas (you may want to name church ministries and teams, local charities or individuals who work in this area and pray for their work. It is often single people who volunteer in these ministries)


  1. For those who don't know how they will be spending Christmas, for the stress and uncertainty that this can bring.

  2. Pray for those who are feeling the loss of loved ones this Christmas, those mourning relationship breakdowns, and those coming to terms with the possibility that they may not be able to have children.

  3. Pray for everyone experiencing financial hardship at Christmas and the pressures it can bring.

  4. Pray for single parents at this time who may feel the pressure to produce all aspects of Christmas by themselves, or who may be spending Christmas without their children.

  5. Pray for all those end up in refuges over Christmas, or who are afraid to go home and spend extended time with their spouse or family.

  6. Pray for those who experience loneliness over the Christmas holidays.

  7. Pray for people who feel huge pressure to bring a holidate or partner home for Christmas, for understanding and acceptance amongst family, and for hope and comfort for those longing for a romantic relationship.

  8. Pray for those currently going through divorce or separation over the Christmas season, and may be spending their first Christmas alone.

  9. Pray for those whose family or partner have dementia or other neurological conditions and may not recognise them over Christmas.

  10. Pray especially for single church leaders at Christmas, where there is huge pressure to run Christmas services and activities, and they may not have family or friends waiting for them at home.

For more ideas on how to welcome and value single people at Christmas, see our resource for churches.


Launching Single Friendly Church Network


Ottery St Mary's Single Friendly journey